
Things Starting With Ch

Things Starting With Ch
Things Starting With Ch

The world is filled with fascinating words and phrases that begin with the letter combination "ch," offering a unique blend of sounds and meanings. From common terms to more obscure phrases, the "ch" sound has a special place in various languages. In this blog post, we will explore a wide range of words and expressions starting with "ch," uncovering their definitions, origins, and interesting facts. Get ready to dive into the captivating world of "ch" words and expand your vocabulary!

Common Words and Phrases

Let's begin our exploration with some familiar "ch" words that are part of our everyday language:

  • Change: This versatile word can refer to the act of altering or replacing something, as in "She wants to make a change in her career." It can also mean the coins or notes used as currency, like "Can you give me change for a $20 bill?"
  • Choose: To choose is to make a selection or decision, as in "You must choose one option from the list."
  • Character: A character is a person in a story, play, or movie, or it can refer to someone's personality traits, like "She has a strong and unique character."
  • Challenge: A challenge is a task or problem that requires effort and skill to overcome, as in "The project presented a challenging task for the team."
  • Chore: Chores are routine tasks or duties, often associated with household work, like "Don't forget to do your chores before going out."
  • Cheer: To cheer is to express joy or encouragement, as in "The crowd cheered loudly for the winning team."
  • Chase: This word can mean to pursue or follow someone, as in "The police chased the suspect through the city streets."
  • Cheat: Cheating involves breaking rules or acting dishonestly, as in "He was accused of cheating on the exam."
  • Chance: A chance is an opportunity or possibility, as in "There's a chance we might win the lottery."
  • Choice: A choice is a decision or option, as in "You have the choice between the red and blue dress."

Unusual and Interesting "Ch" Words

Beyond the common words, the English language offers a plethora of unusual and intriguing "ch" words. Let's explore some of them:

  • Chthonic: Derived from Greek, this word describes something related to the underworld or the dead, as in "The chthonic rituals were performed to honor the ancestors."
  • Chiffon: Chiffon is a lightweight, sheer fabric often used in clothing and scarves, as in "The dress was made of delicate chiffon."
  • Chutzpah: A Yiddish word adopted into English, chutzpah refers to audacity or nerve, as in "It takes a lot of chutzpah to stand up to your boss like that."
  • Chic: Chic is a term used to describe elegance and sophistication in fashion or style, as in "The model's outfit was incredibly chic."
  • Chary: Chary means cautious or wary, as in "She was chary of investing in the new business venture."
  • Chalkboard: A chalkboard is a large, usually green or black board used for writing with chalk, as in "The teacher wrote the lesson on the chalkboard."
  • Chaperone: A chaperone is a person who accompanies and supervises a group or individual, especially on a social occasion, as in "The parents volunteered to chaperone the school dance."
  • Chivalry: Chivalry refers to the courteous and respectful behavior of a knight or gentleman, as in "The prince displayed true chivalry by helping the damsel in distress."
  • Chortle: Coined by Lewis Carroll, chortle is a combination of "chuckle" and "snort," describing a merry, delighted laugh, as in "She chortled with glee upon hearing the good news."
  • Cinderella: While "Cinderella" is the name of a famous fairy tale character, it has also become a term for someone who experiences a sudden rise to prominence or success, as in "She went from being a Cinderella story to a household name."

Idioms and Expressions

The English language is rich with idiomatic expressions, and many of them start with the "ch" sound. Here are some popular idioms and their meanings:

  • "It's a piece of cake": This expression means that something is very easy or simple to do, as in "The math test was a piece of cake."
  • "I'll be there with bells on": This phrase indicates enthusiastic agreement or willingness to participate, as in "I'll be there with bells on for the charity event."
  • "It's a catch-22": A catch-22 is a situation where one is trapped by contradictory requirements, as in "You need experience to get the job, but you can't get experience without a job. It's a catch-22."
  • "He's a chip off the old block": This idiom suggests that someone resembles their parent or ancestor in personality or behavior, as in "The son is a chip off the old block; he has his father's love for sports."
  • "Don't count your chickens before they hatch": This expression warns against making plans or assumptions based on uncertain outcomes, as in "You haven't received the job offer yet, so don't count your chickens before they hatch."
  • "She's a chameleon": A chameleon is someone who adapts their behavior or appearance to fit different situations, as in "She's a chameleon; she can fit into any social circle effortlessly."
  • "It's a charade": A charade is a misleading or deceptive act or situation, as in "The entire story was a charade; it was all made up."
  • "It's a chink in the armor": This phrase refers to a weakness or vulnerability in an otherwise strong or well-prepared person or situation, as in "The team's defense had a chink in the armor, allowing the opponents to score."
  • "I'll be there in a jiffy": A jiffy is a very short period of time, so this expression assures prompt arrival or completion, as in "I'll be there in a jiffy; I just need to grab my coat."
  • "I'm choosy": To be choosy is to be selective or particular about something, as in "I'm choosy when it comes to choosing my favorite ice cream flavor."

Foreign Language Contributions

The "ch" sound is prevalent in many languages, and some of these words have made their way into English. Here are a few examples:

  • Chai (Hindi): This word refers to a spicy, sweet tea commonly enjoyed in India and has become popular in Western countries as well.
  • Ciao (Italian): A casual greeting meaning "hello" or "goodbye," as in "Ciao, see you tomorrow!"
  • Chèvre (French): Chèvre is a type of soft, creamy cheese made from goat's milk.
  • Chutzpah (Yiddish): As mentioned earlier, this word describes audacity or nerve.
  • Chutzpa (Hebrew): Similar to its Yiddish counterpart, chutzpa means boldness or audacity.
  • Chicle (Spanish): Chicle is the natural gum obtained from the sapodilla tree, used in making chewing gum.

A "Ch" Journey Through the Alphabet

Let's take a fun journey through the alphabet, discovering words starting with "ch" for each letter:

Letter Word Definition
A Chalice A cup or goblet used for religious ceremonies.
B Barge A flat-bottomed boat used for transporting goods.
C Cricket A popular sport played with bats and balls.
D Dazzle To overwhelm or fascinate with brightness or brilliance.
E Echo A sound repetition caused by the reflection of sound waves.
F Fiasco A complete failure or disastrous outcome.
G Gusto Enthusiasm or enjoyment in doing something.
H Halo A circular band of light or color surrounding a person or object.
I Idol A person or thing that is greatly admired or revered.
J Jolt A sudden, sharp movement or shock.
K Kitsch Cheap, tasteless, or gaudy objects or art.
L Lunch A meal typically eaten around midday.
M Mischief Playful or mischievous behavior.
N Niche A specialized area or interest.
O Ochre A yellow-brown or reddish-brown pigment.
P Pacha A South American folk dance.
Q Quiche A savory custard-based pie typically filled with eggs and cheese.
R Ranch A large farm or area of land used for raising livestock.
S Sabre A curved, single-edged sword.
T Tumble To fall or roll headlong.
U Usher A person who guides or directs others.
V Vacuum A space devoid of matter.
W Wrench A tool used to grip and turn objects.
X X-ray A form of electromagnetic radiation used in medical imaging.
Y Yacht A recreational boat or ship.
Z Zephyr A gentle, westerly wind.


The "ch" sound is a versatile and captivating combination, offering a wide range of words and expressions in various languages. From common terms like "change" and "choose" to unusual words like "chthonic" and "chutzpah," the "ch" sound adds a unique flavor to our vocabulary. Exploring idioms, foreign language contributions, and the "ch" journey through the alphabet further enriches our understanding of this fascinating letter combination. So, the next time you encounter a "ch" word, take a moment to appreciate its origin, meaning, and the intriguing story it tells.

What is the origin of the “ch” sound in English words?


The “ch” sound in English words often originates from various sources, including Latin, Greek, and Germanic languages. Many words with “ch” were borrowed from these languages and have become an integral part of the English vocabulary.

Are there any other interesting “ch” words not mentioned here?


Absolutely! The English language is vast, and there are numerous “ch” words that could be explored. Some other interesting words include “chaos,” “cherish,” “charlatan,” and “chiaroscuro.”

Can you provide an example of a “ch” word used in a sentence?


Sure! Here’s an example: “The chutzpah of the actor as he delivered his lines left the audience in awe.”

Are there any other letter combinations with similar versatility in the English language?


Yes, there are! Other letter combinations like “th,” “sh,” and “ph” also offer a wide range of words and expressions. For example, “therapy,” “shore,” and “phenomenon.”

How can I improve my vocabulary with “ch” words?


Expanding your vocabulary with “ch” words can be done by reading extensively, exploring different languages, and paying attention to the words you encounter in your daily life. You can also use online resources and dictionaries to discover new “ch” words and their meanings.

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