
Overseas Service Medal

Overseas Service Medal
Overseas Service Medal

The Overseas Service Medal (OSM) is an Australian military decoration awarded to personnel who have rendered efficient service on operational service in a warrant officer, non-commissioned officer or enlisted rank.

It recognizes the dedication and commitment of those who serve in various overseas operations, providing them with a tangible token of appreciation for their contributions to national security and international peace.

Eligibility and Criteria

Army Overseas Ribbon

To be eligible for the OSM, individuals must have completed a minimum period of operational service, typically ranging from 1 to 3 months, depending on the nature and intensity of the operation.

The medal is conferred upon personnel who have served in a designated operational area, which may include conflict zones, peacekeeping missions, humanitarian relief efforts, or other deployments where a specific mandate has been established.

Operational Service

United States Air Force Long Tour Overseas Service Medal Military

Operational service refers to the deployment of military personnel for specific tasks or missions, often involving risk and challenges beyond routine duties.

It encompasses a wide range of activities, such as combat operations, peacekeeping operations, disaster relief, and humanitarian aid missions, where the presence and actions of military forces are crucial for maintaining peace, providing assistance, or engaging in active conflict.

Design and Appearance

Overseas Service Ribbon All 6 Military Branches Explained

The Overseas Service Medal boasts a distinctive design, featuring a circular medal suspended from a ribbon.

The medal's obverse depicts the Australian Coat of Arms, symbolizing the nation's heritage and commitment to service.

The reverse bears the inscription "For Service" surrounded by a circular border, emphasizing the dedication and sacrifice of the recipients.

The ribbon, designed with a subtle pattern, incorporates the colors of the Australian flag, showcasing the connection between the medal and the nation it represents.

Bar Attachments

Overseas Service Ribbon All 6 Military Branches Explained

For those who qualify for multiple awards of the OSM, bar attachments are issued to signify additional operational service.

Each bar attachment, typically bearing the name of the operation, is affixed to the ribbon, allowing for easy identification of the recipient's multiple deployments.

Operations Recognized

How To Receive An Overseas Service Ribbon

The Overseas Service Medal has been awarded for a wide range of operations, both past and present.

Some notable operations recognized with the OSM include:

  • Operation SLIPPER: Australia's contribution to the international effort against terrorism, including deployments in Afghanistan and the Middle East.
  • Operation MANITOU: Australia's involvement in the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, monitoring the armistice between Israel and its neighboring countries.
  • Operation OKRA: Australia's participation in the global coalition against Daesh (ISIL) in Iraq and Syria.
  • Operation PALATE: Australia's contribution to the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali, supporting peace and stability in the region.

Awarding Process

Overseas Service Commemorative Medal

The OSM is awarded by the Governor-General of Australia on behalf of the monarch, following a recommendation from the Chief of the Defence Force.

The medal is presented during official ceremonies, where recipients are recognized for their service and dedication to their country.

Wearing the Medal

Amazon Com Slide On Ribbon With Mounting Bar Army Overseas Service

The Overseas Service Medal is typically worn on the left chest, suspended from a ribbon, during formal occasions and military ceremonies.

It serves as a visible symbol of the recipient's achievements and contributions, inspiring pride and respect among their peers and the community.

Recognition and Appreciation

Army Overseas Service Ribbon

The Overseas Service Medal holds significant importance in acknowledging the sacrifices and contributions of those who serve in overseas operations.

It serves as a tangible reminder of the challenges faced and the vital role played by military personnel in maintaining peace, stability, and security both within Australia and around the world.

Supporting Organizations

Army Overseas Service Ribbon Superthinribbons

Several organizations play a crucial role in supporting the administration and recognition of the Overseas Service Medal.

  • The Department of Defence: Responsible for managing the awarding process, ensuring that eligible personnel receive the appropriate recognition for their service.
  • The Australian Defence Force: Comprising the Australian Army, Navy, and Air Force, these branches provide the personnel and resources necessary for overseas operations.
  • Veterans' Affairs: This organization supports veterans and their families, ensuring that the sacrifices and contributions of those who served are honored and remembered.


United States Army Overseas Service Medal Certificate With Medal And Ribbon

The Overseas Service Medal stands as a testament to the dedication and bravery of Australian military personnel who serve in overseas operations.

By recognizing their contributions, the medal fosters a sense of pride and gratitude within the community, acknowledging the vital role played by these individuals in promoting peace and stability on a global scale.

As Australia continues to participate in international efforts, the OSM remains a powerful symbol of national appreciation for the sacrifices made by its service members.

Who is eligible for the Overseas Service Medal?

Overseas Service Commemorative Medal Anodized

Warrant officers, non-commissioned officers, and enlisted personnel who have completed a minimum period of operational service in a designated operational area are eligible for the OSM.

What is the significance of the medal’s design?

Navy And Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon

The design of the OSM, featuring the Australian Coat of Arms and the inscription “For Service,” symbolizes the nation’s heritage and appreciation for the dedication of its service members.

How is the Overseas Service Medal awarded?

Overseas Service Medal 1939 45 Silver Liverpool Medals

The OSM is awarded by the Governor-General of Australia on behalf of the monarch, based on recommendations from the Chief of the Defence Force. It is presented during official ceremonies, recognizing the recipients’ service and achievements.

Can the OSM be awarded multiple times?

Navy Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon Certificate

Yes, multiple awards of the OSM are possible for those who qualify for additional operational service. Bar attachments are issued to signify each separate deployment, allowing for easy identification of the recipient’s contributions.

What organizations support the Overseas Service Medal?

Army Overseas Service Military Ribbon

The Department of Defence, the Australian Defence Force, and Veterans’ Affairs play crucial roles in administering, awarding, and supporting the OSM, ensuring that the sacrifices and contributions of service members are recognized and honored.

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